

News from the Pews: January 2024

Christ Church, Melita, as submitted by the Editor On November 26, the Editor baptized two young members of Christ Church, Melita. Welcome to the family,

News from the Pews: December 2023

Christ Church, The Pas, photo and text submitted by the Ven. Dr. Kara Mandryk At the Christ Church Anglican Tea in October, Theresa Commodore celebrated her

Convening Circular – 50th Synod (2023)

Prior to our electoral Synod on November 25, we will be having a regular Synod from November 23-24. Attached is that circular. Convening Circular –

News from the Pews: November 2023

St. John the Divine, Kelwood, photo and text submitted by the Rev’d Barry Nadolny The congregation at St. John the Divine in Kelwood celebrated Harvest Thanksgiving

Notices of Synod: November 2023

The following announcements were sent out to the clergy and parishes regarding upcoming Synods in the Diocese of Brandon. They are re-printed here for the edification

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