

The Mustard Seed

News from the Pews

Pelly Plains Parish as submitted by Virginia Beelaert As part of their outreach, St. Matthew’s Binscarth has made very generous donations in recent months. One ...
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The Mustard Seed

News from the Pews

Pelly Plains Parish as submitted by Virginia Beelaert Following the closure of their church, Christ Church, Roblin has gifted Christ Church, Russell with a Bible. ...
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Dawn Gardy

School Bus Driving: A Lesson in Practical Theology

Father Chad McCharles OSBCn has decided to go back to school, twice a day, five days a week to be exact, and it is not ...
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The Mustard Seed

News from the Pews

St. James’, Rivers as submitted by Kathy Roberts April 17th is a special day for Audrey Sadler she will celebrate her 102nd birthday. Audrey was ...
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The Mustard Seed

News from the Pews

Christ Church, Russell as submitted by Virginia Beelaert Jen Klimack of the Russell Alliance Church with the support of the Rev’d Chris Pilon of Christ ...
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The Ven. Dr. Kara Mandryk

A Pandemic Shopping Adventure

It’s not every day you get a call to go on a $50,000 shopping spree. But such a call came to Freda Lepine early this year. ...
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