Acts of the Executive Committee: 2020-2023

Clergy of the diocese attend an ordination in August 2023.

We will be having our Regular Session of Synod from November 23-24 (with the Electoral Synod to elect the 8th Bishop of Brandon to take place November 25). In order to remain transparent about what’s happening in our beloved diocese, we publish all the acts of the Executive Committee in the last edition of the Mustard Seed prior to a Regular Session of Synod. 

If there are any questions about what you see or want to learn more about a specific act, do contact the Secretary of Synod.


October 20, 2021
St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Brandon, MB

  • To accept the minutes of the Executive meeting of March 11, 2020.
  • To accept the motions made by Executive Committee since June 2020:
    • BE IT RESOLVED THAT the parish of St. James’ Swan River be empowered to sell their rectory and the proceeds be placed in the Diocesan Consolidated Trust Fund (DCTF). Draws on the interest of the proceeds may be made yearly for the purposes of housing costs for the Clergy in the parish. Any other Draw on the Principal will require the permission of the Executive of the Diocese of Brandon.  CARRIED May 17, 2021.
    • BE IT RESOLVED THAT we approve the Offer to Purchase in the sale of the rectory in Swan River, 348 Crescent Drive. CARRIED August 31, 2021.
  • That Christ Church, Roblin can sell their church building.
  • That Executive take $2,000 from the Tess Meadows Reserve for use at the Easterville Gospel Jamboree to be held nightly on January 14-16, 2022.
  • That Executive accept the 2019 audit as received.
  • That Executive accept the 2022 budget.
  • That Executive accept the budget of Henry Budd College.
  • That Executive accept the financial statements ending September 30, 2021.
  • That Executive approve the following Diocesan expenditures:
    • Cheques #4200-4392
    • Payroll auto debits and bank service charges
    • Online payments

March 18, 2022
St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Brandon, MB

  • To accept the minutes of the Executive meeting of October 20, 2021.
  • To accept the motion made by email poll on December 22, 2021.
    • BE IT RESOLVED THAT the parish of St. George’s, Brandon, be authorized to withdraw a maximum of $30,000 during 2022 from their rectory account held in the Diocesan Consolidated Trust Fund (DCTF).
  • To increase travel rates to 61¢ a kilometer (for travel up to 5,000 kms in a year) and 55¢ a kilometer (for kilometers travelled after 5,000 km), retroactive to January 1st, 2022.
  • To set the travel rate for committee work to 55¢ a kilometer.
  • To receive the 2020 audit.
  • To approve the Diocesan Financial Statements ending December 31st, 2021.
  • To approve of the following expenditures from October 1st, 2021 to December 31st, 2021:
    • Cheques # 4393 – 4500 
    • Payroll auto debits & bank service charges 
    • Online Payments
  • To approve the Diocesan Financial Statements ending February 28th, 2022.
  • To approve of the following expenditures from January 1st, 2022 to February 28th, 2022:
    • Cheques # 4501 – 4545
    • Payroll auto debits & bank service charges 
    • Online Payments
  • That the Diocese of Brandon move to a notice to reader system with a full audit every three years.
  • That the Executive approve the camp budget for 2022.

June 23, 2022
St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Brandon, MB

  • To accept the minutes of the Executive meeting of March 18, 2022.
  • To accept the 2022 year to date financial statements as presented.
  • To accept the income statements as presented.
  • That the Executive Committee approve the Diocesan Expenditures from 03/01/2022 to 05/31/2022, including:
    • Cheques #4546-4660
    • Payroll auto debits and bank service charges
    • Online payments
  • That the Executive Committee create a committee to implement this Bishop’s Housing Equity Fund and report back to executive in the fall.

October 14, 2022
Church of the Redeemer, Opaskwayak Cree Nation, MB

  • To accept the minutes of the Executive meeting of June 23, 2022 as amended.
  • To change the name of the parsonage fund to “the Bishop’s Housing Equity Fund”.
  • To keep the Bishop’s Housing Equity Fund in investment until the Bishop leaves by transfer or retirement, at which time a committee will be struck in concert with the Bishop’s wishes on the manner of transfer of at least 50% of said fund with consideration to the growth of the real property asset.
  • To receive the budget of the Henry Budd College for Ministry.
  • To accept the accountant’s compilation for 2020 & 2021.
  • To accept the diocesan financial statements ending September 30, 2022 as presented.
  • To approve the diocesan expenditures from June 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022, namely:
    • Cheques #4661 – 4828
    • Payroll auto debits & bank service charges
    • Online Payments

March 15, 2023
St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Brandon, MB 

  • To accept the minutes of the Executive meeting of October 14, 2022 as amended.
  • To accept St. George’s, Brandon’s request for a fair share reduction.
  • To endorse St. Paul’s, Churchill’s application to the Anglican Foundation.
  • To allow St. Agnes’, Carberry to give their property back to the diocese.
  • To ask St. James’, Swan River for more information regarding their request, and that they work with Greig to clear up their finances.
  • that Executive approve St. George’s, Brandon request to start the process to sell their property, having regard to the appraisal value.
  • that Executive approve St. Luke’s, Souris request for a fair share reduction.
  • that Executive approve the 2022 budget ending December 31, 2022.
  • that Executive approve the diocesan financial statements ending December 31, 2022.
  • that Executive approve the 2023 budget ending February 28, 2023. 
  • that Executive approve the diocesan financial statements ending February 28, 2023.
  • That Executive approve the following expenditures from October 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023:
    • Cheques #4829 – 5000
    • Payroll Auto Debits & Bank Service Charges
    • Online Payments
  • That Executive authorize the Bishop and Greig Scott to put together a plan for the hiring of a part-time staffer to assist in camp administration (as well as other duties). 

June 16, 2023
St. James’, Swan River, MB

  • To accept the minutes of the Executive meeting of March 15, 2023.
  • To ask Holy Trinity, Killarney for more information regarding their Fair Share reduction request.
  • To deny the request of the neighbour to purchase land from St. Peter and St. James’, Flin Flon.
  • To refer the question of giving the pastoral elders a vote at Executive to the Canons & Constitution Committee for discussion prior to discussion at Diocesan Synod.
  • To accept the Diocesan Financial Statements YTD 2023 ending May 31, 2023. 
  • To approve the following expenditures from 03/01/2022 to 05/31/2023:
    • Cheques # 5001 – 5088 
    • Payroll auto debits & bank service charges. 
    • Online Payments.
  • That with the understanding that the money for the first year will come from Council of the North funding, the proposal for an “Indigenous Liaison for AMC” (title subject to change) be accepted by this body. 
  • To refer the question about voting program representatives on Executive Committee to the Canons & Constitution Committee. 
  • That Executive approves the Rev’d Chad McCharles’ proposal to repair the countertop at Cropthorne Cottage. 
  • That the Executive Committee of the Diocese of Brandon recommend to our upcoming Synod (scheduled for October) the adoption of a diocesan-wide programme of Christian formation, focusing on Prayer and Bible Study. 

The Executive Committee met in October 2023, but acts from that meeting were not available in time for the publication deadline.




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