

Apartment building exterior

“What I Did On My Summer Vacation”

Editor’s Note: This article is the text of a sermon preached at St. Matthew’s Cathedral on Sunday, September 4th. Welcome home, Paul! We’re thrilled to

Exterior photo of Santa Sophia

A Postcard from Istanbul

In the vast city of Istanbul, close to the Bosphorus, is a street called Istiklal, which is crowded with shoppers, tourists, and sellers of roast

Palm Sunday

I travel with two suitcases: one is known infamously at home as “the Coffin,” and holds everything I’ve brought with me on this six month

A Postcard from Istanbul

In the vast city of Istanbul, close to the Bosphorus, is a street called Istiklal, which is crowded with shoppers, tourists, and sellers of roast chestnuts

A European View of Lent

As some of you know, I have an appointment at a university in the Czech Republic for the next four months, and Dean Don Bernhardt

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