

A Word From Our (Departing) Bishop

This will be my last article for The Mustard Seed, as this will be my last column as I serve as your bishop. I have

A Word from the Bishop: May 2023

Easter in action!” This was the phrase a Rector of mine used many years ago (long before I was ordained or preaching) to explain why

A Word from the Bishop

We are approaching the Easter season, and we are preparing to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord and the conquering of death by Jesus – 

A Word from Our Bishop

Did you make a new-year’s resolution to “get in shape” this year? I regularly spend time taking stock over the Christmas holiday to sort out

A Word From Our Bishop

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom then shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom then shall

A Word From Our Bishop

For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope

A Word From Our Bishop

Between the celebration of All Saints, the commemoration of All Souls and the solemnity that Remembrance Day has become, November is a month where we

A Word From Our Bishop

I have tried to start this note several times, but the words wouldn’t come. My mind is too full of the sights and sounds, the worship

Pectoral cross being help up with a hand.

A Word From Our Bishop

Editor’s Note: You may notice that the Bishop’s photo in his monthly column has changed. This new photo was taken at the Lambeth Conference by

A Word From Our Bishop

For the last number of years, the word “mission” and “missional” have been the stock and trade of the church in all its discussions. In

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