

The Mustard Seed

Lay Reader Installations in the North

On April 13, the Ven. Dr. Kara Mandryk installed a new Lay Reader at Snow Lake Anglican United Church. Pictured to the left are Jennifer ...
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The Mustard Seed

Last Service at St. Agnes’, Carberry

On May 7, members of the Assiniboine Valley Parish (consisting of St. Mary’s, Brandon, St. Paul’s, MacGregor and St. Paul’s, Wawanesa) gathered for the final ...
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The Mustard Seed

News from the Pews: June 2023

Killarney Parish Group, as submitted by the Rev’d Brennan McCurry On Tuesday afternoons, members of the parish group gather for Bible Study. During Advent and Lent, ...
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The Ven. Dr. Kara Mandryk

Easter Water Gathering

On a crisp, cold Easter morning just before sunrise, a dozen hearty souls gathered at Pike Lake, a small lake off the Saskatchewan River system ...
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The Mustard Seed

News from the Pews: May 2023

St. Paul’s, Dauphin, as submitted by Sandy Pacey  On March 18 the ACW at St. Paul’s in Dauphin held an Irish Stew supper. The stew and ...
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The Mustard Seed

In Memoriam: The Reverend Antoine Lathlin (1945-2023)

On March 13, 2023, surrounded by family, the Reverend Antoine Lathlin died. He was a graduate of Henry Budd College who served at one time ...
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The Mustard Seed

In Memoriam: Ed Wadham, Lay Reader (1924-2023) & Hazel Wadham (1927-2023)

Frank Edwin (Ed) Wadham died on February 26, 2023 at the age of 98 at the Westman Nursing Home, Virden with family by his side. ...
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The Ven. Jonathan Hoskin

St. George’s, Brandon: God is Doing a New Thing

In Isaiah 43:19, God says, “I am about to do a new thing.  Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?  I will make ...
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AMC during the day
The Mustard Seed

Anglican Memorial Camp News – May 2023

2023 Camp Raffle Draw Date: June 15, 2023 at Noon 3 tickets for $20 Tickets available to purchase through your parish or by contacting Deacon ...
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AMC during the day
The Mustard Seed

Anglican Memorial Camp News – April 2023

2023 Camp Raffle Draw Date: June 15, 2023 at Noon 3 tickets for $20 Tickets available to purchase through your parish or by contacting Deacon ...
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