On a crisp, cold Easter morning just before sunrise, a dozen hearty souls gathered at Pike Lake, a small lake off the Saskatchewan River system in Opaskwayak Cree Nation. There’s a long-standing local tradition that water for blessings is gathered on Resurrection morning at sunrise. This year, we joined together for a short service with prayers, readings, a Cree hymn, and water blessing, along with a smudge with the Rev’d Deacon Charlie Lathlin. We waited for the sun to rise above the tree line, then we gathered the water from a hole that was cut, thanks to Omar Constant, the Ven. Lydia Constant’s son. Omar also provided snowmobile transport across the frozen lake to where we gathered the water. It was a beautiful time of welcoming the sun and the Son among us. Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
The Ven. Dr. Kara Mandryk is Archdeacon for Ministry & Training and Coordinator, Henry Budd College for Ministry.