
News from the Pews

By on November 1, 2022

St. Paul, Dauphin
as submitted by Sandy Pacey, People’s Warde

Congratulations to Cairo Humphries and Morris Moosetail on their wedding on July 16, 2022. The Reverend Barry Nadolny officiated the service in St. Paul’s.

May God grant you both many years together.

The Tri-Valley Parish/St. Mary’s, Virden
as submitted by the Rector/the Editor

As you may remember from the last edition of the Mustard Seed, the rector’s office was undergoing a bit of a facelift. As the last edition of the paper was being put together, the office was being painted, which necessitated me working from a folding table in the hall for about a week. It was not ideal, as I quite like having an office to work out of, but at the end of the day, I was willing to give up a week of working in my office to see this long-talked about project finally come to fruition.

The repainting of the rector’s office at St. Mary’s is now complete. Overall, it took about a week, between having to clean out the office (it’s absolutely amazing at how much can collect in an office), collect the new furniture from varied and sundry places, paint it and let it dry, and then put everything back in the office.

However, all is complete now, and I couldn’t be happier with the results (shown below). Many people have commented to me that it looks a lot more inviting than it did before without the giant desk in the way.

My thanks to go the family of Allison Done (sometime Warden at the Cathedral), who donated the desk, the Dean, who donated the two burgundy chairs, and Jennifer Andrew who made the whole thing happen. It had been a project we talked about for a while, and I’m so glad we finally got around to it!


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