St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Brandon, submitted by Karen Webb
Congratulations to Alexis Frei, the newest Licenced Lay Reader in the Diocese of Brandon, now serving at St. Matthew’s Cathedral.
Alexis began attending St. Matthew’s about three years ago, and during this time, her faith and her commitment have both deepened to the point where in addition to her duties as a Lay Reader, is also the Rector’s Warden.
Alexis is a single woman who was a child in Alberta, but grew up in Montana when her parents moved for work purposes. She moved to Brandon to be with friends when she decided the United States was the “land of the free and the home of the brave only if you looked and acted like all your neighbours.” (Her words, not mine.) Alexis talks about “living for the larger good” and “bettering the world”. She wants to relieve suffering with what resources she has.
When she came to Brandon, she went to several churches, but settled at the Cathedral because she felt welcome, in a quiet way. People spoke to her, but didn’t push her. She learned about the eucharist and what it meant. What we take as a simple thing she thought was extraordinary – the passing of the peace – that people who did not know her would acknowledge her and say “Peace be with you.”
She says she would care about people in any event, but she has begun to study her bible and will ask questions of both our rector and our assistant. “Our duty is to share the light of Christ in the world.”
“My faith sustains me in serving others. When it isn’t easy, when things get tough, when I doubt if I should, my faith is there to confront and encourage.”
Alexis is also taking courses through Huron’s Licentiate in Theology program. Her church family wishes her the best. Welcome, Alexis!!
St. Paul’s, MacGregor, submitted by Lynda Driedger

On April 13, a group of parishioners from St. Paul’s, MacGregor gathered to bless the new business of Bryan & Lynda Driedger. The business is a wool processing facility in Austin. The Reverend Chris Evetts led a short liturgy, which was followed by a time of snacks and conversation.
St. Mark’s, Minnedosa, photo and text submitted by Lynne Tolton

The Rev’d Chad McCharles, alongside his wife, Dawn, refurbished a pair of brass candle holders that were original to St. Mark’s high altar, but had ceased being used many years ago because of the expense of the candles. He did all of this work to the glory of God and in loving memory of his great aunt Jean Wark, a longtime member of St. Mark’s altar guild.