Say Yes to Kids Camp, Brandon!

The incredible resource of The Anglican Foundation runs a programme called Say “Yes” to Kids every year.  This year they have approached the Diocese of Brandon and invited our Anglican Memorial Camp to be a participant in the National Campaign.  So, on behalf of the Camp Coordinator, Mackenzie “Roo” Kukurudz, and the Camp Committee, I have named June of each year as the Annual “Say ‘Yes’ to Kids’ Camp – Brandon” Month.

​Our heart as a Diocese recognizes the importance of ensuring that all of God’s children have the truth that they are loved; they are beautiful; and they are uniquely gifted, shared with them until they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are Children of God and as such they are full heirs to God’s Kingdom.  

​The Camp is an incredible opportunity for each of our children to share firsthand experiences of what it is to love and be loved, to laugh and play, to discover God’s Creation in ways that they may not be able to experience in their “day to day” lives.  From North to South and East to West of our Diocese, we invite our children and young people to become Campers and Volunteers and Staff at AMC.

​The “Say ‘Yes’ to Kids’ Camp – Brandon” month of outreach and fundraising is intended to be an opportunity to create pathways and opportunities for our Youth to realize and recognize the call God has on their lives and give them new and unique chances to come to know Jesus for themselves, alongside their siblings in Christ.

​Nationally, people from across the country have the opportunity to donate on the Anglican Foundation website by checking out the article about our camp and hitting the “Donate” button.  All donations made via the National site will contribute to camperships.  There should be no reason a child with limited financial resources within the Diocese of Brandon should miss out on going to Camp!  

​Within the Diocese, and beyond, the Camp is always in need of refreshing, maintenance, food, staff wages, and funds to assist with unexpected “oh wow’s!”  If you or your congregation would like to host an event, pass the hat, or do something creative to assist us, please feel free to go ahead and do so!  Just remember to take pictures, write up a paragraph or two and send it in for the Diocese for The Mustard Seed and the Facebook Page.

​Some ideas may be to:

  • ​​host a tea party for a small donation (grandma’s and moms could invite their next generations to get dressed up and come to tea as a Parish!
  • ​​for churches with no Sunday School, create a bulletin board with pictures of your children, grandchildren, neighbour kids, etc. and “sponsor” the pictures
  • have a special coffee hour and put out a donation basket
  • ​​host a neighbourhood barbeque
  • ​​offer to babysit your neighbour’s children for a couple of hours for a donation

​Throughout the month of June, I am inviting each and every Congregation within the Diocese of Brandon to think, pray, plan, pay attention to the children and youth in your communities and find ways to promote and support the Camp.  There may just be a child in your community who would love to go to camp even though they don’t come to church … yet!

​Remember, no donation is too small and no word of mouth in support of the Camp is ineffective!  Let’s make June a month when we really do “Say ‘Yes’ to Kids’ Camp” in Brandon!


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