Prior to the 50th Synod in November, the Executive Committee discussed hiring a permanent part-time Anglican Memorial Camp co-ordinator position. The intent of this position is to focus on camp administration year-round.
At the Executive Committee meeting in October 2023, a small committee was struck consisting of myself, Brock Andrew (St. Mary’s, Virden) and Debbie Clevett (Lay Secretary of Synod, St. Luke’s, Souris). For those unfamiliar with those names, Brock and Debbie are incredible people with years of experience interviewing individuals at all employment levels.
We met and discussed in detail the duties of this new position, which would include (but weren’t limited to) communicating with the Diocese about the work of the AMC, grant applications, recruiting of staff and volunteers, relationship building with the youth, and keeping up the high standards of the camp that the camp committee has long upheld.
Following that discussion, the committee set out to hire somebody to fill this position. After the position was advertised in early November, there were seventeen applicants for this position. After examining the resumes, two stuck out and were interviewed by the committee. After we interviewed the two candidates and broke for Christmas, Brock and Debbie contacted and interviewed all three references for each candidate.
Following this work, and with considered conversation, Mackenzie Kukurudz was chosen as the part-time permanent Anglican Memorial Camp Coordinator. She has a long history with the camp, having grown up going there as a camper and as a counselor. We’re thrilled to have her in this role.
I would like to say a huge thank you to Brock and Debbie for their incredible work in this endeavour, as well as our administrator, the Very Rev’d Don Bernhardt TSSF and the Executive Financial Officer, Mr. Greig Scott for their administrative guidance during this process.
The Reverend Chris Evetts serves as the Rector of the Assiniboine Valley Parish (consisting of St. Mary, Brandon; St. Agnes, Carberry; St. Paul, MacGregor; and St. Paul, Wawanesa.)