News from the Pews: June 2023

By on June 14, 2023

Killarney Parish Group, as submitted by the Rev’d Brennan McCurry

On Tuesday afternoons, members of the parish group gather for Bible Study. During Advent and Lent, they have also added a book study. During Lent this year, they studied Taste and See by Margaret Feinberg. Throughout the book, the author travels around the world searching out modern day sources of Biblical foods and ingredients to deepen her and the readers faith and connection with scripture.

One of the chapters focused on bread in scripture and one notable example being the unleavened bread the Israelites made when they fled Egypt. She included a kosher recipe of bread that takes only 18 minutes to make and bake. So for their final meeting to finish discussing the book, they decided to try our hand making this bread recipe. The photo you see to the left are of members of the group making the dough.




Neepawa United Anglican Shared Ministry, as submitted by the Rev’d Chad McCharles OSBCn

The Neepawa United-Anglican Shared Ministry (NUASM) Sunday School has been working hard like a “chain gang” for months! Our wonderful Sunday School teachers and pupils felt inspired to create a real life prayer chain when they learned about the prayerful ministry of St. James’ Prayer Chain when it was introduced to the United Church parish family, and incorporated into the pray life of the ecumenical shared ministry. For many years the there has been a group of dedicated prayer warriors at St. James’ Neepawa, praying for everything and anyone, passing the intentions from one member to another like a chain.  This ministry has been so important and life-changing for so many, that the prayer chain members wanted to continue and incorporate this beloved, spiritual outreach into the parish life of NUASM.  They figured the best way to do this was to invite some of their United Church friends and fellow parishioners to be a part of the prayer chain.  Shortly thereafter, Sunday School got busy writing the names of every parishioner on the parish rolls (300+) on strips of paper, with a personal prayer written on the back of each, cutting out the name strips, and making them into colourful loops of a chain.  Once finished, they presented the prayer chain to the congregation on Easter morning, stretching it out down the isle for all to see!  It was a glorious and moving sight to behold, and moved many to cheers and tears. The prayer chain now resides in the narthex, strung from side to side overhead, like a banner of love over us all.     

St. James’, Rivers, as submitted by Kathy Roberts

On April 15th, the ACW of St. James held a very successful “Dessert Tea”.  Along with the tea, there was a bake table, a craft table, a white elephant table, along with both a raffle and door prize. In the photo below, Josephine Hunt prepares the bake table.

This would be one of their final events, because after many years, the ACW of St. James disbanded as of May 31st.  St. James’ was established in 1908 and the women played an important role in the church community. The first formal group was the Women’s Auxiliary, which was later changed to Anglican Church Women. At one time St. James’ had two branches, an afternoon branch and an evening branch. They wish to thank all who have supported them over the years.raised funds in many ways.  Teas and bake sales, yard sales and catering (weddings, funerals, auction sales).  They supported The Women’s Shelter, Memorial Camp, Teen Challenge, Food Bank, Bishop’s Discretionary Fund to name a few.  It goes without saying that the fellowship was enjoyed!



Pelly Plains Parish, as submitted by Virginia Beelaert

The members of St. George’s, Birtle; St. Paul’s, Shoal Lake, and St. James’, Solsgirth combined talents to host a Cookie and Pie Day on April 26 at the Birtle Drop In Centre. A wonderful selection of pies and cookies was available for the afternoon coffee break but visitors could also buy a pie or cookies by the dozen to take home.  All the proceeds from the successful fundraiser will be donated to earthquake relief for Turkey and Syria.


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