News from the Pews: December 2023

By on November 29, 2023

Christ Church, The Pas, photo and text submitted by the Ven. Dr. Kara Mandryk

At the Christ Church Anglican Tea in October, Theresa Commodore celebrated her 100th birthday. Behind her are Deacon Maureen Maciesza and vestry member Shirley Mitchell. Happy belated birthday, Theresa!

Church of the Messiah and Church of the Redeemer, Opaskwayak Cree Nation

The clergy of Opaskwayak Cree Nation had the great honour of praying for and anointing the newly elected chief and council on October 5 – a historic day as OCN elected their first female chief! We always pray for the leadership of our communities as we partner with them to serve the people and to walk in a good way.

St. Paul’s, Shoal Lake, photo and text submitted by Barb Hamilton

On Sunday, October 22nd, the Rev’d Chad McCharles baptized five members of St. Paul’s, Shoal Lake. Following the service, everyone was invited to the Drop-in Centre for a robust lunch with baptismal cake. Welcome to the Christian family Shelley, Sage, Sullivan, Jessa, and Waylon! 

St. Peter & St. James’, Flin Flon, photo and text submitted by Shelley Andres

St. Peter and St James Flin Flon has partnered with their local Women’s Resource Centre to provide a “Red Box”, which contains supplies for women in need.

St. Michael and All Angels’, McCreary, text submitted by Doug Sanderson (with the help of the Rev’d Barry Nadolny)

The Rev’d Barry Nadolny sat with Douglas Sanderson, who wanted to remind readers of the second Bishop of Brandon, the Rt. Rev’d Ivor Norris.

Preface: Doug Sanderson’s father, Thomas Sanderson, went to Synod in 1949 and learned that would Bishop Thomas announced his retirement and that Synod would elect a new Bishop. The two candidates for the position of second Bishop of Brandon, were Canon Norris and Archdeacon Bridgette.  Both were active in the Kinosota area where Doug grew up. Doug also recalls that both candidates were sons in law of Bishop Thomas.


BN+: What was your one enduring memory of Bishop Norris?

DS: Bishop Norris came to the area and confirmed me and other young people at St. Bede’s (Kinosota).  He also used to visit and lead services at St. John’s (Reedy Creed) and St. James (Bluff Creek).


BN+: Why do you think readers would be interested in hearing this story?  

DS: It’s history, Bishop Norris was the second Bishop of Brandon.



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