News from the Pews

Neepawa United-Anglican Shared Ministry as submitted by the Rev’d Chad McCharles OSBCn Members of the Mission, Service & Outreach Committee of the Neepawa United-Anglican Shared

In Photos: Ordinations in the Church of God

On September 29, 2022, the Bishop of Brandon ordained Lieutenant Jacob Friesen to the diaconate and the Reverend Barry Nadolny to the priesthood. In attendance

News from the Pews

St. Paul, Dauphin as submitted by Sandy Pacey, People’s Warde Congratulations to Cairo Humphries and Morris Moosetail on their wedding on July 16, 2022. The

New Roles In Diocesan Leadership

With the departure of Michael Chartrand in September 2022, the Bishop announced a few changes in diocesan leadership. The Ven. Dr. Kara Mandryk will, in

The newly married couple at the reception following the wedding service on August 20.

News from the Pews: Pelly Plains Parish

Congratulations to Captain the Reverend Chris Pilon on his marriage to Kenna Nelson in Regina on August 20th.  Members of the Diocese of Brandon participated

Lt Jacob Friesen

Welcome, Jacob!

Avid readers of the Mustard Seed will remember that in the summer of 2021, the Tri-Valley Parish hosted a theological student, Lt Jacob Friesen. He

Some New Books of Interest

Over the summer, the Editor recieved word of two new books that might be of interest to readers of the Mustard Seed. Following is some

News from the Pews

Christ Church, The Pas as submitted by the Rev’d Jann Brooks “If you go out to the woods today, you are sure of a big

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