

The Ven. Dr. Kara Mandryk

Remembering the Future: A Word from the Archdeacon for Ministry and Training

Advent is a season of beginnings and endings.  As you know, Advent is the beginning of the Christian year, but in some ways, Advent is ...
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Dr. Lynn Whidden

The Temple and St. Matthew’s Cathedral

The next time you are sitting in St. Matthew’s Cathedral consider that much of the design you see was in Solomon’s Temple of 957 BCE. ...
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The Ven. Jonathan Hoskin

This Is Our Cornerstone: A Word from the Archdeacon of Brandon

Brothers and Sisters, fellow children of our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ, may God’s peace be with you! Our diocese continues in a time of ...
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The Ven. Jonathan Hoskin

Reflections on General Synod 2023

This past June 27 to July 2, the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) met in Calgary, on the University of Calgary ...
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The Very Rev'd Don Bernhardt

A Word from the Administrator – October 2023

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to ...
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The Rt. Rev'd William G. Cliff

A Word From Our (Departing) Bishop

This will be my last article for The Mustard Seed, as this will be my last column as I serve as your bishop. I have ...
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Fr. Matt Koovisk

A Word from the Editor: September 2023

As I write this, we are on the cusp of another fall in the Diocese. For me, it has been an incredibly busy few months. ...
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Fr. Matt Koovisk

A Word from the Editor: June 2023

We’ve just completed my fifth year as the Editor of the Mustard Seed. I am absolutely amazed how how this year has flown by. At ...
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The Ven. Jonathan Hoskin

Stability and Clarity: A Word from the Archdeacon of Brandon – June 2023

Turmoil and tumult. Upheaval from normal operations. Time and experience can train us to expect chaos in the world, but we tend to find consistency ...
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The Rt. Rev'd William G. Cliff

A Word from the Bishop: May 2023

Easter in action!” This was the phrase a Rector of mine used many years ago (long before I was ordained or preaching) to explain why ...
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